Italian frieds..., this is not a joke, it is something serious. I came at Timisoara for business and I met Dr. Mario Vidican, an exceptional, professional and serious person. He is the first point of reference for the italian tourits who come here. They will find a friend, a man with a lot of school, with higher education, who knows all the day-life, but in particular the night-life from Timisoara. He will present you the most amazing clubs: Heaven, Le Sinnema and others, where you can spent a night accompanied by the most beautiful girls, because in Timisoara is a massive concentration of gorgeous girls like you had never seen before. There are plenty of universities, a lot of places where you can have fun, and the report of girls to boys is about 4-5 girls to one boy.
I heard some gossip and I didn`t like it and I certainly dismiss everything. Marius is a serious man, he has some very beautiful apartments: normal, standard and luxury for all pockets. He will wait for you at the airport, he offers you his friendship and is always with you, it`s like your big brother which stands by you and helps you to spent some amazing days and above this very clean, because the fun you will have here is pure and healthy.
My personal respects, right from my heart for Mario and for all the work he is doing, because he is doing it with high professionalism. Thank you Mario. Ciao Italia.